Quantum Victoria is one of six Specialist Science and Mathematics Centres established by the Victorian Department of Education and Training and launched on the 27th April 2012. We are located at Charles La Trobe P-12 College, and are a leader in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Our Vision
To cultivate curiosity and inspire creativity, motivating students and teachers to develop the capabilities needed in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to succeed.
Our Mission
Our diverse team works together to deliver an exciting, fully immersive experience that follows a highly effective, targeted approach to encourage excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
About Quantum Victoria
At Quantum Victoria, we aim to:
Increase student interest, participation and engagement in science and mathematics
Inspire students to pursue careers in the STEM disciplines
Expand the knowledge and skills of teachers through targeted professional learning underpinned by contemporary research and pedagogy.
About our programs
Our hybrid learning approach incorporates onsite programs, synchronous sessions and asynchronous modules with a particular focus on:
Scientific Inquiry
Mathematical Reasoning
Design Thinking
Building Resilience through Productive Failure
Games-based Learning
3D Printing and Modelling
Coding and Arduinos
Robotics and Engineering
Augmented Reality and Simulated Experiences
Scenario-based Challenges
Increasing student participation from disadvantaged and underrepresented cohorts continues to be a priority. Our gender inclusive programs promote and raise the profile of women in STEM pathways and provide role models for all students.
Our on-site programs and synchronous sessions are delivered using a co-teaching model that provides students with additional support resulting in a greater engagement and a deeper understanding of the concepts taught.
The F-10 programs align to the Victorian and Australian Curricula and are differentiated to accommodate student need. The Senior Years Science and Mathematics programs, online and asynchronous modules are aligned to the VCAA Study Designs.
Our values
The team at Quantum Victoria believes all children can excel in STEM. This is reflected through the suite of programs and modules that are underpinned by our values:
Learner Centred
Continuous Improvement
Passion for Learning
Teacher Professional Learning
Quantum Victoria builds teacher capacity in Science, Mathematics and STEM through new, innovative forms of teacher professional learning and offers educators from all sectors a unique opportunity to re-envision their curriculum in ways that are relevant to today's learner.
Quantum Victoria Teacher Professional Learning includes:
Annual STEM Conference
STEM Project Based Learning (PBL)
Deep Learning in Mathematics through Algorithmic Thinking
Solving Worded Problems in Mathematics for Deeper Learning
3D Printing and Modelling
Coding and Digital Technologies
STEM Through App Creation