Quantum Victoria is a state-of-the-art facility with flexible learning spaces that facilitate and encourage 21st century learning.

The building is a model of innovative energy-efficient design and material use.

Design features include a 110 seat theatre for teaching and symposia, with retractable seating providing multiple uses of the space. The Synchronous Learning Space supports a hybrid learning approach, allowing us to stream live events to students across Victoria. The studio spaces, game development suite and game breakout space allow for flexible learning, including scenario and inquiry-based learning. Our well-resourced laboratory facilitates the delivery of scientifically rich investigations.

The Gallery features our permanent Hexagon Art Installation - 'The birth of the Universe through the creation of the elements of the periodic table' and provides an exhibition space within the Centre and further enhances Quantum Victoria's capacity to deliver state wide initiatives through its partners and with the wider community. (YouTube link to be supplied)

The award-winning QV STEM Garden is an immersive external space that celebrates the human endeavour of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through the dynamic panels, screens, QR Codes and seating.

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We offer world-class Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) educational programs to inspire creativity, innovation and 21st century learning.
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