Quantum Victoria’s Year 9 and 10 Cyber Security Experiences provide students and their teachers with strategies to mitigate identified risks associated with managing personal data.
Experiences include:
Quantum Cyber Investigation (QCI) (On-site program)
Students explore the key concepts of cyber security and apply that understanding to several cyber-crime investigations.
Cyber Educational Escape Rooms
Students will engage in Educational Escape Rooms as they work in teams to solve Cyber Security Challenges.
Genius Armoury Asynchronous Modules – For High Ability students and teachers
A series of 5 sequential Online Modules that build the capacity of students and teachers in Cyber Security concepts including Networks and Digital Forensics.
QV/Cisco Synchronous Cyber Expert Workshops
Quantum Victoria and Cisco collaborate to provide students and their teachers with the opportunity to hear from Cyber Experts through live streamed events that will be recorded for future access.
QV Online Cyber Modules
The Quantum Victoria online modules immerse students and teachers in Cyber Security concepts social media crime awareness and international cybercrimes.